Choose Yourself

A Yoga Girl® At-Home Retreat

A collection of heart-centered practices and healing tools to take with you wherever you go. 

Choose yourself and tend to your needs during times of stress and uncertainty with the Choose Yourself retreat!

It's time to choose YOU! Join us today and take the first steps toward a more balanced and peaceful way of life.
$139 - For lifetime access!

In this retreat, you will learn and explore:

  • Experience a new, healing, and gentle way to begin or maintain safe movement in your body and at home, so you can create space where you’ve felt stuck, build strength where you need it, and help your body and mind unwind.

  • Anchor into daily themes, affirmations, and journaling exercises to come back to again and again.

  • Nourish your body with healing vegan plant-based recipes and an intentional meal plan.

  • Have direct access to a deepened healing journey with our partner's world-class tools and practices that combine the best of technology and psychology from leading research institutes.

What's Included:

Yoga Classes

Daily Themes & Insights
Recipes & Meal Plans

Astrology Lessons
Guided Journaling Sessions

Active Meditation Practices
Daily Activities

Downloadable Workbook
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Meet your course facilitator

Rachel Brathen

Rachel is a Swedish-native, New York Times best-selling author, non-profit founder, serial entrepreneur, and an international yoga teacher with sold out classes and festivals around the world. She's also the founder and CEO of Yoga Girl®, the owner of the largest yoga studio in the Caribbean, Island Yoga, and the host of two #1 podcast shows, From The Heart with Rachel Brathen and The Daily Practice with Rachel Brathen.

With over 2 million followers on social media, and reaching a global audience in over 170 countries, Rachel has been featured in Women's Health, Yoga Journal, The New York Times, Forbes, Tedx Talks, and more.
Rachel's inviting methodology and nurturing guidance serves the purpose of deepening the connection we have not only to ourselves, but with the people around us as well. With over a decade of professional teaching experience, she has now developed the online HOME course out of her own yoga, healing, and meditation practices to help make some of her in-person offerings more accessible around the globe.
When she's not actively trying to help make a change in the world, she enjoys cooking, baking, communing with nature, and spending her days with her husband, Dennis, their daughter, Lea Luna, and their three dogs, Ringo, Laika, and Quila.
Patrick Jones - Course author
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Frequently asked questions

Can I do the retreat if I work full-time?

Yes! This retreat has been designed "on-demand" style, so you will have the ability to take the retreat at any time, and as often as you'd like. 
Included in the retreat is a "suggested" schedule, inspired by our in-person retreats at Island Yoga, which allows you to see how to make the retreat completely immersive over the course of 7 days, but if you work full-time or have limited days off, you can adapt the schedule to fit your needs.
We suggest considering adding pieces of the retreat gradually into your daily routine, doing one day of the retreat on each of your days off or while you have vacation time from work, or even spreading it out over the course of weeks/months if that's all you are able to do. Ultimately, it's about choosing what works for you and taking what you need at any given time.

Can I do the retreat if I'm pregnant?

Yes! This retreat is all about meeting your own needs, so you can come as you are and adapt, change, skip, or add whatever you need each and every day.
As for the physical activities offered in the retreat, the majority of the yoga classes available are for all-levels and are designed so that you can modify as you'd like so that they work with your body and heart. Each teacher guides in a way that allows for space to adapt and honor where you are at. There are no "have to's" or "perfect poses". Yoga is about listening to your body, slowing down, opting for gentler variations, utilizing props for support, and/or omitting poses and sequences completely as you see fit so that you can enjoy your practice for you.
With that said, we did include a few intermediate classes to pair with daily themes geared toward emotional release, and depending on your yoga experience pre-pregnancy, you may want to skip these and return to them post-pregnancy given this retreat will be yours to keep after purchase.
There are also some physical practices that involve jumping/hopping, shaking, dancing, twisting, laying on the belly or back, and mild inversions (like Downward Facing Dog), and depending on the trimester you are in and/or your pre-pregnancy physical activity, these activities/postures may not be comfortable or safe while pregnant. As we are not medical doctors, we recommend connecting with your doctor with any questions and concerns about physical activity and any postures or activities you are unsure about.
If you'd like to take specific classes geared towards pregnancy or motherhood, you can find what we have available on (although you would need a membership to view the classes in full since these are not part of the retreat specifically).

How long will I have access to these materials?

After purchasing the retreat, you will have full and continued access to all of the retreat content so that you can take the retreat as often or little, and whenever you'd like. 

Please note: All content included in the Choose Yourself retreat is intended to be available on a continued basis, however, due to certain circumstances out of our control, some classes and/or guides may be removed and replaced at any time, and the layout and/or structure of our site may change in the future which may affect the retreat, to which you would be notified immediately.

Do I need to purchase a juicer or food processor for the recipes?

While both of these appliances make creating some of our provided recipes much easier, they are not required. In place of a juicer, you could instead use a blender and strain using a cheesecloth or fine-mesh strainer. In place of a food processor, you could instead use a cheese grater to help shred or just put your arm muscles to work with some extra chopping. 

My question hasn’t been answered here. Who can I talk to?

If you have any additional questions that weren’t already answered, please reach out to our customer support team at