Integrating Equity

A Diversity and Inclusion Series with Susanna Barkataki

Show up for others as you put yoga in action with Susanna Barkataki!

Begin your journey of understanding cultural appropriation, learn how to be a better ally, and honor yoga's roots with this powerful online course.

Completely self-paced, this course will allow you to take your yoga practice to the next level and become a true advocate for equality, diversity, accessibility, and inclusivity.

Are you a yoga student or teacher that has felt hopeless, overwhelmed, lost, or discouraged in regards to how you can be a better ally in the yoga world and beyond?

Have you been wanting to properly honor and embrace the cultural roots of the yoga practice beyond just the physical asana practice, but lack direction on how to actually do that?
Do you want to positively contribute to repairing the damages caused by systemic injustice, colonization, and discrimination, but don’t know where to start?
$159 - For lifetime access!

This course is for you, if you:

  • Are looking for ways to live yoga “off the mat” and beyond the physical asana practice while putting yogic philosophy, principles, and ethics in action so you can create a life where you feel more whole and connected to yourself, the world, and the people around you.

  • Want to honor the roots of yoga without culturally appropriating and learn how to use your yoga practice as a means of lessening harm locally and globally.

  • Want to deepen your understanding of the Yamas and Niyamas (yoga philosophy/ethics and morals) and learn ways to embody yogic values in your daily life.

  • Want to feel confident in holding space for uncomfortable or challenging, but important, conversations, not only in daily life, but also in relation to yoga and social justice.

  • Want a better understanding of power dynamics, forms of oppression, and privileges that show up both on and off the mat.

  • Want to understand the different types of trauma and how healing can place within oppressive systems using yoga.

  • Are ready to explore your own personal roles and identities in a way that can help make yoga and society more equitable for all.

What's Included:


In-Depth Modules

Susanna will guide you through 6 different modules, with self-paced video lessons and audio meditations.


Self-paced Video Lessons

Learn the history of yoga, yogic philosophy, and how the Yamas and Niyamas (yoga's ethics and morals) apply to the realm of social justice, cultural appropriation, power, oppression, diversity, and more!


Audio Meditations

Listen to accompanying guided meditations led by Susanna to help you stay grounded, present, and open-hearted throughout sometimes challenging subjects.


Journal Prompts

Take time to integrate this course into your daily life and put each lesson into practice with reflective journaling prompts.

Meet your course facilitator

Susanna Barkataki

Susanna Barkataki is a teacher, inclusivity promoter, and a powerful yoga culture advocate. She believes in a world where yoga supports us in dissolving separation and creating unity.⁣⁣

Her work explores how we can decolonize, reclaim and honor our own yoga practice while continuing to centralize yoga as the main teacher for healing ourselves and each other. Call on her to help you put authentic yoga into action.⁣⁣

Susanna has an Honors degree from UC Berkeley, a Masters in Education, is an E-RYT 500 hour Master Teacher, a 500-Hour Certified Ayurvedic practitioner and a C-IAYT Yoga Therapist.⁣⁣
She is the founder and lead teacher of Ignite Yoga and Wellness Institute in Orlando, FL. that offers 200 hour and 300 hour Yoga Teacher Trainings.⁣⁣

She is honored to have Thich Nhat Hanh, Satish Kumar, Shankarji, Vandana Shiva and her own family her root teachers along with other masters who she studied with in India and the United States in the Hatha Yoga tradition.⁣⁣

Susanna frequently shares on her Instagram different ways we can honor the roots of the yoga practice and how to move forward with it in the modern Western world, while provoking deep reflection on how the yoga practice has morphed over the years. You can learn more about Susanna, her trainings and offerings, and how to support more diversity and inclusivity here.
Patrick Jones - Course author
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Frequently asked questions

Will a portion of the profits from this course go to any South Asian organizations?

Yes! As our commitment toward supporting communities impacted by oppression and injustice, as well as our commitment toward creating equity and honoring the roots of the yoga practice, we have decided to donate a portion of the profits made to different South Asian organizations on an ongoing basis.

Our current donations are going to a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable organization called AID (Association for India's Development). Association for India’s Development is a volunteer movement promoting sustainable, equitable, and just development. AID supports grassroots organizations in India and initiates efforts in various interconnected spheres such as education, livelihoods, natural resources including land, water and energy, agriculture, health, women’s empowerment, and social justice. AID uses a holistic and modern approach toward facing systemic issues and works to create positive changes not just on the surface level, but on the foundational level as well. AID is also offering support and assistance related to the devastating COVID-19 crisis happening in India, providing medical care, equipment, food, and more.
If you'd like to send an additional donation to AID, you can do so here.
Have another amazing South Asian non-profit organization you'd like us to consider donating to? Email us at

Is the Integrating Equity course with Susanna Barkataki eligible for Yoga Alliance Continuing Education credit?

Yes! If you are a 200-hour registered yoga teacher, completing the Integrating Equity course Susanna Barkataki qualifies you for 10 Non-Contact Hours of Continuing Education with the Yoga Alliance.

First, in order to receive Continuing Education credit, you must fully complete this form so that we may verify your eligibility.
Secondly, after filling out the form linked above, you must also apply for the Continuing Education credit on the Yoga Alliance website. Follow these steps to submit your credit with Yoga Alliance:
Login into your Yoga Alliance account
Go to your Teacher Dashboard
Find where it says Training Hours, then click "Add Hours".
While Susanna Barkataki is a YACEP®, there is no certificate for this course, so please scroll down and select the option that says, “*In Person with Someone Who is Not a YACEP® OR not in person.*”
Select "Only Non-Contact Hours", fill out the corresponding requirements, and then enter your 10 Non-Contact Hours under the field that says "Yoga Philosophy, Lifestyle & Ethics".
Double-check everything is filled out correctly, then click "Save".
After both requests are filled out, and if/when verified that you’ve completed the course, you can expect to receive credit within 10 business days. If you have any other questions, please email us at

How long will I have access to these materials?

After purchasing, you will have lifetime access to the course content so that you can choose the pace that works best for you. There is no time limit to complete this course, so you can continue coming back to it on your own time, or even take the course multiple times if you wish.

My question hasn’t been answered here. Who can I talk to?

If you have any additional questions that weren’t already answered, please reach out to our customer support team at